The journey from a sketch to a finished knitwear piece is a fascinating and intricate process. It starts with conceptualization, where designers draw inspiration from various sources such as nature, art, and contemporary trends. This inspiration is translated into sketches and mood boards, which serve as the blueprint for the collection.

Next is the selection of materials подробнее. The choice of yarn is crucial, as it determines the texture, durability, and overall feel of the garment. Students at DMU are taught to experiment with different types of yarns, including wool, cotton, silk, and synthetic blends, to achieve the desired effect.

The knitting process involves both hand-knitting and machine-knitting techniques. Mastery of these techniques is essential for creating intricate patterns and unique designs. DMU’s state-of-the-art knitting laboratories provide students with access to the latest technology and equipment, enabling them to push the boundaries of knitwear design.

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